Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 4: Goodbyes and Hellos

Today is the last day at Deschutes forest before we set off on the road. We went to a museum where we wandered around looking at the showcases. There was my spirit animal encaged behind the glass wall; the tortoise. Incidentally there was a tortoise as I approached to take a picture it hid in the corner. I took picture of the turtle for my sibling whom wanted me to see them from the containment and bring the beauties to them. There was also a tarantula with red booty legs that reminded me of my friends pink toed tarantula and I sent her the picture, she loved it. I accidentally went through an exhibit that took us through time and being the genius I am went the opposite way intended (unless that was the intention). Going to one of the cabin inside the same place, there was a cabin with a bed of ole and my lazy bum laid down. Taylor took some photographs of me laying down and posing/modeling. There was apparently an outside exhibit that I missed so that was disappointing but you can’t miss what you never saw… XD We arrived to Winex’s house and we set up our tents in her backyard. Set myself under a tree where she recommended, to be away and shielded from the sun.

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